My New Gun

1992·United States·99 min.
My New Gun
Non rated
Available on
None platform

Debbie (Diane Lane) is the wife of a blandly good-looking doctor (Stephen Collins), and lives in a New Jersey suburb where the houses back up to a golf course and all look the same. She has an offbeat yet friendly goofball neighbor named Skippy (James LeGros), but that's about the only weird thing that intrudes on her pastel-perfect life. That is, until her husband brings home a handgun--for her own protection, of course--and then things get very chaotic very quickly. Skippy "borrows" the handgun for purposes unknown, Debbie's husband shoots himself in the foot (and gets food poisoning to boot), and suddenly Debbie finds her life turned upside down by Skippy's mysterious motivations, which turn decidedly romantic. Plus, it looks as if somebody wants to do Skippy and his space-cadet mother (Tess Harper) serious harm, and Debbie may be in the way.