LiberFilm, the Movie Search Engine
Discover your next favorite movie or series with LiberFilm, the ultimate movie search engine. A database of over 250K movies, series, and documentaries at your fingertips. Explore the catalogs of the leading streaming platforms with powerful and easy-to-use filters to help you find what to watch in under 2 minutes.
What can you do with LiberFilm?
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Always stay updated with the latest releases and trending movies and series
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Easily manage your personal wishlist and never forget what you have already seen
Find hidden gems
Unearth underrated and lesser-known movies or series that will surprise you
Explore the streaming platforms
Browse and compare content from all major streaming platforms in one place
Find in less than 2 minutes
Quickly locate the perfect movie or series with fast and intuitive search tools
A database at your service
Access an extensive collection of over 250K titles to satisfy your entertainment needs
LiberFilm in numbers