Operation: Pussycat

2005·Japan·43 min.
Operation: Pussycat
Non rated
Available on
None platform

The nostalgic wave of pinky violence classics gives way to a new breed of violent and sexy thrillers in this stylish tale of three derelict girls who will go to any lengths in order to get their hands on one man's vast fortune. They're dirt poor, and he's filthy rich. But these three money hungry girls aren't about to live the rest of their lives in poverty, not when there's a fortune sitting just out of reach on the other side of town. Now, the three girls have hatched a plot to kill the rich man's servant - an innocent beauty he has defiled and taken as his personal slave - and abscond with his dirty money. It doesn't take long for things to get out of hand though, and before long everyone will pay the price for their greed and transgressions.