
2006·France·95 min.
135 votes
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August 1. Blue Waves campground welcomes vacationers just as it does every year. Blue Waves, beside the Atlantic, is the annual meeting place for the families who are the campground’s regular customers. Air mattresses, canned food, barbecues, pastis, and Shogun (the local disco). Thongs, shorts – leisure life is beautiful! However, this year, things aren’t going at all well in the campground’s alleys. Patrick Chirac – the playboy from Dijon – is still waiting for his wife, the Gatineau family have snubbed everyone and set up their tent elsewhere, and the Pics have been ousted from their usual place, 17. Michel Saint-Josse, a Parisian plastic surgeon, accompanied by his daughter, heads for Marbella behind the wheel of the Aston Martin (James Bond would be green with envy) that he’s just bought. A nightmare awaits… His sleek automobile breaks down, and he has no other choice but to take up lodgings at Blue Waves in Patrick Chirac’s six-person tent. Alone and helpless, surrounded by weenies, plastic plates, tinned tuna salad, shared showers, bingo, and three-legged races, Michel Saint-Josse undergoes the existential crisis of a creature entirely unfamiliar to him up until then: the camper.