Habana Blues

2005·Spain·115 min.
Habana Blues
18234 votes
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Benito Zambrano, whose debut feature, Solas, was a worldwide hit, moved in a decidedly different direction for his equally impressive second feature. Cuba is a land of music, and consequently a land of musicians. Longtime friends and collaborators Tito and Ruy are preparing for a big concert when they learn that two Spanish record producers want to hear them play; this could be the break they’ve been waiting for. Will Ruy accompany his wife and children to Miami? What will happen to Tito’s grandmother if he goes off on the worldwide tour the Spaniards have been talking about? Habana Blues is full of lots of extraordinary music, but what makes it so special is the way Zambrano details the lives of these artists, and the choice they might be forced to make regarding their music, their families and their country.