Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (TV Series)

1993·United States·60 min.
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (TV Series)
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TV Series (1993-1998). Jane Seymour (Live and Let Die, Somewhere in Time) is Dr. Michaela "Mike" Quinn, a refined woman who trades the petty prejudices of mid-19th century Boston society for a new set of challenges on the wide open ranges of Colorado Springs. With an adopted family of three orphaned children and mountaineer Byron Sully (Joe Lando) by her side, Dr. Quinn and crew lead the way into a changing America. Film and television star Jane Seymour is Dr. Quinn, the strong-willed, liberal-minded Easterner who befriends an enigmatic mountain loner, Byron Sully (Joe Lando), and winds up adopting three children when their mother dies of a rattlesnake bite. While the headstrong Michaela can be tough, Beacon Hill never prepared her for such a rugged world where the people are as coarse as the climate and their ideas seem from another time. By having Dr. Quinn's sophisticated values clash with the considerably cruder mindset of her Western neighbors, the series is able to explore situations and issues that are very much a part of life today. Whether championing the cause of gun control, exposing environmental polluters, battling disease or sexist cowboys, or liberating oppressed frontier women, Dr. Mike, at great personal risk, bucks the conventional wisdom of the Old West and emerges as more than just a pioneering feminist. In the tradition of "Little House on the Prairie," DR. QUINN, MEDICINE WOMAN is steeped in traditional family values and an understanding of the spirit and strength that built America.