Silk Hosiery

1920·United States
Silk Hosiery
Non rated
Available on
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Marjorie Bowen is a model who longs for romance and adventure of the story book variety, but never gets further than displaying gowns at an ultra-fashionable clothing shop. Every customer who comes in is buying a gown for a ball thrown by some Prince. Yvette, a French woman, comes to order a gown and brings her fiance Sir Leeds, who immediately attracts Marjorie's attention, but she loses hope after she hears that he is engaged. Marjorie stays alone in the shop to deliver the gown to Yvette and dresses herself in the costume. Some crook business follows in which Yvette and an idler are implicated. Marjorie gets mixed up in it and ends up kidnapped and in a room with Sir Leeds, who tries to explain what happened. They escape and Marjorie impresses the Prince (Ghent) by recovering a note and piece of jewelry that the Prince had indiscreetly given a New York society woman and which he feared would be used against him. Leeds turns out to be a detective. He asks Marjorie to marry him.