Lexx (TV Series)

1997·Canada·45 min.
Lexx (TV Series)
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TV Series (1997-2002). 4 seasons. 61 episodes. The main characters of the series are the Lexx and her crew. The crew consists of the captain of the Lexx, Stanley H. Tweedle, the loveslave Zev/Xev and the dead former assassin Kai, last of the Brunnen- G. Together they are looking for a new home. The plot includes a time span of over 6,000 years. Between the death of the living Kai at the beginning of the main storyline lie 2008 years. At the beginning of season 3 the crew spends about 4,000 years in cryostasis. Season 4 is about our contemporary earth. The main conflict of the series is the fight between mankind and the insect civilization. Their goal is the extermination of mankind. Kai is the last survivor of the Brunnen- G. It was foretold to him that one day he will destroy the last remnant of the insect civilization.