Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV Series)

1997·United States·44 min.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV Series)
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TV Series (1997-2003). 7 Seasons. 145 Episodes. After the traumatizing ordeal in the movie with the same name, Buffy Summers and her mother move to Sunnydale, only to discover that L.A. was just a walk in the park... Buffy Summers looks like your typical perky high-schooler, and like most, she has her secret fears and anxieties. However, while most teens are worrying about their next date, their next zit, or their next term paper, Buffy's angsting over the next vampire she has to slay. See, Buffy, a young woman with superhuman strength, is the "chosen one," and she must help rid the world of evil, namely by staking demons.