My Boss, My Hero (TV Series)

My Boss, My Hero (TV Series)
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TV Series (2006). 10 Episodes. Sakaki "Tornado" Makio, (Nagase Tomoya) is a 27-year-old brute who has never graduated from high school. Academically speaking, he is stupid. His father decides to force Makio to return to high school and receive his diploma, and asks an old friend of his, Iwaki Koichi), who happens to be the director of a prestigious institute to admit his son to it. If Makio does not graduate, the position of boss will be given to younger brother Mikio (Kikawada Masaya), as Makio's family is not a normal family, but one of the most influential Yakuza clans in recent years. Makio must pretend to be 17 years old, both in and out of high school. If his cover is blown, it would be the end of his new school opportunity as well as his aspirations to be the new head of the clan. Things start to get more complicated when he realizes that high school is more than just studying and taking exams.