George and Mildred (TV Series)

1976·United Kingdom·30 min.
George and Mildred (TV Series)
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TV Series (1976-1979). 5 Seasons. 38 Episodes. George and Mildred Roper (Brian Murphy and Yootha Joyce) are forced to leave their their home in South Kensington (as the landlords in "Man About The House") when they receive a compulsory purchase order from the council. Mildred talks George into buying a nice middle class house in suburbia, and they move next door to Jeffrey and Ann Fourmile (Norman Eshley and Sheila Fearn). Unfortunately, Mildred's dream of upward mobility seems doomed to failure, as George relentlessly embarrasses her in every way possible. Poor Mildred not only has to cope with George's gormless behaviour, she has to try and deal with the the snobbish Jeffrey as well as her rich bitch sister Ethel (Avril Elgar) and mad old mum (Gretchen Franklin).