
2013·Canada·90 min.
Non rated
Available on
None platform

Dirty Fred and Bruho are convinced that the world is in the midst of a volatile last gasp and won’t be around much longer, what with our petroleum resources running out fast and the peak oil crisis this will bring ensuring unimaginable societal breakdown. Given this, they see zero compelling reason to hold jobs or even have homes. Instead they choose to spend whatever time remains wandering around the Catskills, breaking into vacation homes to steal food, drugs and alcohol, living from day to day among the belongings of strangers. Whenever they meet people, they eloquently hit them with hilarious strings of lies about who they are, what they do and — in particular — why they happen to be where they are. Sometimes they just hit people. Because, after all, "if you're on the Titanic and you know there aren’t any lifeboats for you, why not have fun at the bar?"